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Our Lady of Victory / St. Malachy
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Throughout the centuries, believers have based the transformation of their lives on their encounter with the living Christ: the Apostles (Jn 1:38-39), the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:5-42), Zacchaeus (Lk 19: 1-10), Mary Magdalene (Jn 20: 11-18), and the disciples of Emmaus (Lk 24: 13-35). These encounters become possible, through the action of the Holy Spirit, when a person welcomes Christ and therefore God’s love.

These Christ-encounters lead to a change, a turning towards the God of Life and Love. As we experience this ‘renewed humanity’ in Christ, we are led to a new or renewed commitment to God – in the service of others and towards helping others experience their true humanity too. This is our mission as Christians.

Noteworthy is that our mission is to transform society and not to ‘form members’; to be active and present in society through our professional, cultural and social lives, not just as citizens but precisely as Christians. For it is by our baptism in Christ that we inherit the responsibility to live out and bear witness to our faith.

As his disciples, we long for a better world, just like Jesus. We work on our obligations at work and at home. We are concerned with justice and, along with others, seek to change things around us that do not conform to the way Jesus lived – to the Word of God. We are led to an ever-increasing vigilance for any violation of rights, liberties and consciences, refusing to see people impoverished so that others might prosper.

These practices require a good ear for the Word, community discernment, contemplation and prayer since denying or forgetting the relationship between Jesus and the poor, empties the Gospel of its true substance: that privileged relationship between Jesus and those scarred by life. And Jesus uses his Body to accomplish these Kingdom actions – that is, he uses us.

So it is by living as Christians that we make up the Body – the Church – of Christ. And the Church exists to spread the Good News (God’s Love, Mercy, Salvation). And the purpose of spreading the Good News is to transform humanity from within and to make it new.

Consequently, with this active commitment on behalf of the poor and the weak, we too are more and more transformed from within. Moreover, as we are brought closer to God, we bring the world with us.

Now that is Good News!

Taken from:
Orientations for the Formation for a Christian Life;
Assembly of Quebec Bishops, October 2002

The Diocesan Catechetical Project – A Journey with Christ to the Father in the Spirit;
Archdiocese of Gatineau-Hull, October 2003.

The Liturgy, Epiphany of The Mystery of Christ, Epiphany of the Mystery of the Church;
(Pastoral Message) Mgr Roger Ebacher, April 2004

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