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Our Lady of Victory / St. Malachy
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The committee responsible for updating the cemetery files of the St Grégoire Cemetery have requested our assistance in trying to locate the descendants/relatives of certain persons buried in the cemetery. Many of these grave sites are very old and there may be no immediate family members or relatives either alive or living in this area.

Each week, we will identify some names and and if you are a relative or have any information regarding relatives/descendants, please advise Christiane Lefebvre at 819-986-8585. Christiane's office hours at the St. Gregory rectory are from 12:30 t0 4:30 PM. She is fluently bilingual.

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Sorted by - Family Name of Deceased

 # Buried In Lot Year Deceased Lot Number Registered Lot Owner
 1.   Ackert, John 1860U-7-Front-SouthAckert, William
 2.   Ackert, Mary ?V-18McAndrew, James
 3.   Ackert, Mary Jane 1915U-7-Front-SouthAckert, William
 4.   Ackert, William 1923U-7-Front-SouthAckert, William
 5.   Allen, James ?J-12-NorthLemieux, James Allen
 6.   Aubé, Marie Rosa 1988J-39-North-1Walsh, S.
 7.   Baker, Angus 1930X-4-North-FBaker, Angus
 8.   Baker, John 1898BB-1-BACKBaker, John
 9.   Baker, Josephine 1901X-4-North-FBaker, Angus
 10.   Banning, David 1923Z-10-AVANT-SRyan, James
 11.   Belter Brew, Alma 1979F-26-SouthBrewer, Lloyd
 12.   Biezanski, Tomasz 1983J-39-South-1Biezanski, Tomasz
 13.   Brady, Patrick 1921M-7Brady, Patrick
 14.   Brazeau Clemiss, Florence 1999R-9Clemiss, Lorne
 15.   Breslin, Beatrice 1988L-5-SouthBreslin, (family)
 16.   Breslin, Lillian 1954L-5-SouthBreslin, (family)
 17.   Breslin, Mary Margaret 1968L-5-SouthBreslin, (family)
 18.   Brewer,  Lloyd 1959F-26-SouthBrewer, Lloyd
 19.   Burke, David 1908BB-9-S-ARRBurke, David
 20.   Burke, Edward 1955E-19-SouthBurke, John
 21.   Burke, M.P. 1905Z-14-AVANT-NBurke, M.P.
 22.   Burke, Mary Ann 1921Z-8-North-FCox, James
 23.   Burke, Robert 1963E-19-SouthBurke, John
 24.   Burke Gleason, Ellen 1920K-11Gleason, Michael
 25.   Butler, Arthur 1972L-39-NorthButler, Raymond
 26.   Butler, John 1902V-6-SouthButler, John
 27.   Butler, Raymond 1984L-39-NorthButler, Raymond
 28.   Butler, Theresa 1961S-6-NorthMoran, Rose
 29.   Butler Freeman, Catherine 1922V-4-North-FrontTuffy, James
 30.   Byrnes, Edna Florence 1889S-34-NorthByrnes, Joseph
 31.   Byrnes, Joseph 1889S-34-NorthByrnes, Joseph
 32.   Campbell, Mary 1903Z-7-ARRO’Neil, John
 33.   Cassidy, Allan J. 1983I-38-South-1Cassidy, Marjorie
 34.   Cassidy, John 1969J-1-NorthCassidy, John
 35.   Cassidy, Margaret 1952V-6-BackSarazin, Margaret
 36.   Cassidy, Marjorie 1992I-38-South-1Cassidy, Marjorie
 37.   Cassidy, TP 1943J-1-NorthCassidy, John
 38.   Chisholm, Theresa 1938??
 39.   Clemiss, Lorne 1986R-9Clemiss, Lorne
 40.   Clemiss, Vincent 1953R-9Clemiss, Lorne
 41.   Colligan, Margaret 1891Y-South-FMcGuire, Terrance
 42.   Connelly, Joseph 1961C-5-NConnelly, Michael
 43.   Connelly, Michael 1951C-5-NConnelly, Michael
 44.   Corrigan, Edward James 1968Y-10-FrontCorrigan, Edward James
 45.   Cosgrove, Ann 1879BB-7-S-BACKFarnand, Hugh
 46.   Cosgrove, James 1906V-9-NorthCosgrove, James
 47.   Cosgrove, John 1910DD-5-ARRO’Connor, Bridget
 48.   Cosgrove, Mary 1945C-6-SouthQuinn, Thomas
 49.   Cosgrove, Mary Ellen 1953AA-16-AVANTCosgrove, Patrick
 50.   Cosgrove, Patrick 1884AA-16-AVANTCosgrove, Patrick
 51.   Couture McDonnell, Alice 1971C-22-SouthMcDonnell, Henry Donald
 52.   Cox, Edna 1962AA-10-S-FRONTO’Rourke, Joseph
 53.   Cox, James 1907Z-8-North-FCox, James
 54.   Cox, Michael 1854W-5-South-BCox, Morris
 55.   Cox, Michael 1896Z-10-AVANT-NRowan, Kenneth
 56.   Cox, Minnie ?AA-10-S-FRONTO’Rourke, Joseph
 57.   Cox, Morris 1855W-5-South-BCox, Morris
 58.   Cox, Patrick ?AA-10-S-FRONTO’Rourke, Joseph
 59.   Cox, Patrick 1902Y-17-South-FrontCox, Patrick
 60.   Cummings, Agnes J. 1949B-27-NorthCummings, W.A.
 61.   D’Aoust Rudenko, Rachel 1987E-31Rudenko, Eugene
 62.   Dowd, Frederick 1930H-13-SouthDowd, Frederick
 63.   Farnand, Hugh 1904BB-7-S-BACKFarnand, Hugh
 64.   Fitzgerald, Joseph 1920V-19Fitzgerald, Michael
 65.   Fitzgerald, Michael 1884V-19Fitzgerald, Michael
 66.   Frederick, Maurice 2003E-45-SouthFrederick, Maurice
 67.   Freeman, Elizabeth 1881V-6-SouthButler, John
 68.   Freeman, Patrick 1915V-4-North-FrontTuffy, James
 69.   Freeman, William 1894V-4-North-FrontTuffy, James
 70.   French, George 1977E-42-NorthFrench, George
 71.   Gleason, Bertha 1992K-10Gleason, Bertha
 72.   Gleason, Edith 1991K-10Gleason, Bertha
 73.   Gleason, Joseph 1985K-10Gleason, Bertha
 74.   Gleason, Michael 1933K-11Gleason, Michael
 75.   Gleason, Stella 1983C-10-SouthO’Hara, Alice
 76.   Gleeson, John 1923I-4-SouthGleeson, John
 77.   Gollinger, Henry 1904V-15-FrontGollinger, Henry
 78.   Gorman, Anna 1944C-5-NConnelly, Michael
 79.   Gorman, Annie ?J-12-NorthLemieux, James Allen
 80.   Gorman, Arthur 1952T-8Gorman, Gregory
 81.   Gorman, Dan 1970U-3-FrontGorman Nadon, Mary
 82.   Gorman, Jim 1981U-3-FrontGorman Nadon, Mary
 83.   Gorman, Joy ?H-15Rombough, Pauline
 84.   Gorman, Kathleen 1984S-3Gorman, Matthew
 85.   Gorman, Mary 1930V-9-NorthCosgrove, James
 86.   Gorman, Matthew (Rev ) 1954S-3Gorman, Matthew
 87.   Gorman, Philip 1937X-14-FrontMcGurn, Hugh
 88.   Gorman, Philip J. 1950X-14-FrontMcGurn, Hugh
 89.   Gorman Parker, Lucy 2004H-15Rombough, Pauline
 90.   Grebenc, Ivanka 1998H-38-South-1Strukelji, Joseph
 91.   Guindon Hewson, Clara 1957E-9Raven, Ruby
 92.   Harkin, Bridget 1879V-16-BackO’Callaghan, John
 93.   Hayes, Willie 1953BB-11-S-ARRHayes, Willie
 94.   Hewson, Clayton 1990E-9Raven, Ruby
 95.   Hewson, Robert ?E-9Raven, Ruby
 96.   Hill, William 1989D-43-North-2Malette Hill, Laurette
 97.   Joliffe, Fred 1977L-42-North-2Joliffe, Fred
 98.   Judge, Alice 1927Q-16-SouthJudge, Alice
 99.   Judge, James 1897Q-36-SouthJudge, James
 100.   Kane, Peter 1922L-8-NorthKane, Peter
 101.   Kavanaugh Clark, Margaret 1985K-8Kehoe, Edna
 102.   Kealy, John 1941F-7Kealy, John
 103.   Keby, Catherine 1911X-4-North-FBaker, Angus
 104.   Kehoe, Edna 1982K-8Kehoe, Edna
 105.   Kehoe, Leo 1970K-8Kehoe, Edna
 106.   Kelly, James 1907V-17-BackKelly, James
 107.   Kelly, Joseph 1907Y-11-South-FKelly, Joseph
 108.   Kelly, Margret 1964B-33-NorthMcDonald, Hugh
 109.   Kelly, Mary 1912V-12-NorthMurphy, William
 110.   Kennedy, Garry 1921U-16-17Kennedy, William
 111.   Kennedy, Mary 1935M-16-SouthMcGuire, William
 112.   Kennedy, Sandra 1929Z-2-ARRMcPike, John
 113.   Kennedy, Walter 1887U-16-17Kennedy, William
 114.   Kennedy, William 1885U-16-17Kennedy, William
 115.   Kiernan, Mary 1904Z-10-AVANT-SRyan, James
 116.   Labelle, Bertha 1981C-1-NorthDoyon, Augustine
 117.   LeBlanc, Al 1980S-4Powers, Thomas
 118.   Lemieux, Mary Ann 1966Y-10-FrontCorrigan, Edward James
 119.   Lynch, John 1843U-18-19Lynch, John
 120.   Lynch, Mark 1878U-18-19Lynch, John
 121.   MacMillan, Alexander 1927X-1MacMillan, Duncan
 122.   MacMillan, Duncan 1922X-1MacMillan, Duncan
 123.   MacMillan, Isabella 1927X-1MacMillan, Duncan
 124.   Mahoney, Ellen 1877V-16-BackO’Callaghan, John
 125.   Mahoney, Patrick 1909Q-16-SouthJudge, Alice
 126.   Malette Hill, Laurette 1993D-43-North-2Malette Hill, Laurette
 127.   Malouin, Moise 1938E-9Raven, Ruby
 128.   McAndrew, Bartholomew ?X-5-North-FMcAndrew, Bartholomew
 129.   McAndrew, Geraldine 1988G-8McAndrew, Harold
 130.   McAndrew, Harold 1985G-8McAndrew, Harold
 131.   McAndrew, James 1917V-18McAndrew, James
 132.   McAndrew, James F. 1905V-18McAndrew, James
 133.   McAndrew, Lawrence 1980AA-6-7-N-BACKMcAndrew, Lawrence (Mrs.)
 134.   McAndrew, Lawrence (Mrs.) 1984AA-6-7-N-BACKMcAndrew, Lawrence (Mrs.)
 135.   McAndrew, P.G. 1964AA-6-7-N-BACKMcAndrew, Lawrence (Mrs.)
 136.   McCabe, Catherine 1900Z-10-AVANT-NRowan, Kenneth
 137.   McCabe, James 1899X-9-10-FMcCabe, James
 138.   McCabe, Margaret 1934X-9-10-FMcCabe, James
 139.   McCabe, Patrick 1864X-9-10-FMcCabe, James
 140.   McCormick, Lawrence 1942D-22-NorthMcCormick, Lawrence
 141.   McCormick, Mary Louise 1956T-8Gorman, Gregory
 142.   McCoy, Patrick 1944D-11-NorthMcCoy, Patrick
 143.   McDonald, Hugh 1978B-33-NorthMcDonald, Hugh
 144.   McDonnell, Corinna 1976Q-1McKinnon, Mildred
 145.   McDonnell, Harry 1956C-22-SouthMcDonnell, Henry Donald
 146.   McDonnell, John 1931Q-1McKinnon, Mildred
 147.   McFaul, Albert 1973W-11-1-North-FrontMcFaul, Bernard
 148.   McFaul, Anne 1973W-11-1-North-FrontMcFaul, Bernard
 149.   McFaul, Irene 1980W-11-1-North-FrontMcFaul, Bernard
 150.   McGiverain, Helen 1910Y-5-South-FMcGiverain, Michael
 151.   McGiverain, Mary 1928Y-5-South-FMcGiverain, Michael
 152.   McGiverain, Michael 1928Y-5-South-FMcGiverain, Michael
 153.   McGovern, Catherine 1918Y-North-FSpooner, William C.
 154.   McGuire, Ann 1899Q-36-SouthJudge, James
 155.   McGuire, Ann 1879X-12-South-FMcGuire, Terry
 156.   McGuire, Terrence 1891Y-South-FMcGuire, Terrance
 157.   McGuire, William 1929M-16-SouthMcGuire, William
 158.   McGuire, William 1888X-12-South-FMcGuire, Terry
 159.   McGurn, Hugh 1914X-14-FrontMcGurn, Hugh
 160.   McPike, John 1949Z-2-ARRMcPike, John
 161.   McPike, Mary 1938F-7Kealy, John
 162.   McPike, Owen 1901Z-2-ARRMcPike, John
 163.   Mome, Mary 1890V-9-BackSmith, Thomas H.
 164.   Moran, John A. 1954S-6-NorthMoran, Rose
 165.   Moran, Laurier 1994X-12-BackMoran, Laurier
 166.   Moran, Louisa 1981X-12-BackMoran, Laurier
 167.   Moran, Pearl 1981X-12-BackMoran, Laurier
 168.   Moran, Rose 1994S-6-NorthMoran, Rose
 169.   Moran, Thomas 1956X-12-BackMoran, Laurier
 170.   Muldoon, Isabella 1897X-12-South-FMcGuire, Terry
 171.   Murphy, Eugene ?I-6-NorthMurphy, Eugene
 172.   Murphy, James ?I-6-NorthMurphy, Eugene
 173.   Murphy, Margaret 1966I-6-NorthMurphy, Eugene
 174.   Murphy, Rose Anne 1963Q-1McKinnon, Mildred
 175.   Murphy Jr., William 1945V-12-NorthMurphy, William
 176.   Murphy Sr., William 1963V-12-NorthMurphy, William
 177.   Murray, James 1900U-18-NorthMurray, James
 178.   Murray, Maria 1903DD-6-AVANT-NMurray, Maria
 179.   Neville, Austin 1942C-1-NorthDoyon, Augustine
 180.   Neville, Gerald 1965C-1-NorthDoyon, Augustine
 181.   O’Callaghan, Bridget 1883W-9-South-FrBush, James
 182.   O’Connor, Bridget 1910DD-5-ARRO’Connor, Bridget
 183.   O’Hara Gleason, Alice 1993C-10-SouthO’Hara, Alice
 184.   O’Rourke, Joseph ?AA-10-S-FRONTO’Rourke, Joseph
 185.   O'Brien, Mary Ann 1883W-9-South-BBoucher, Henry
 186.   O'hara, James Anthony 1993C-10-SouthO’Hara, Alice
 187.   O'Neil, John 1894Z-7-ARRO’Neil, John
 188.   Palmer, Lillian 1959Z-16-N-FrontPalmer, Henry
 189.   Palmer, Matthew 1947Z-16-N-FrontPalmer, Henry
 190.   Parker, Edward 1987M-1-NorthParker, Harold
 191.   Parker, Harold 1990M-1-SouthParker, Harold
 192.   Parker, Lorne 1981M-1-NorthParker, Harold
 193.   Parker, Lovina 1973M-1-NorthParker, Harold
 194.   Pearson, Charles William 1925??
 195.   Pelletier, Irene 1969M-1-SouthParker, Harold
 196.   Powers, Eileen 1998S-4Powers, Thomas
 197.   Proulx, Agnes 1938H-13-SouthDowd, Frederick
 198.   Quinn, Thomas 1854C-6-SouthQuinn, Thomas
 199.   Raetz, Ethel 1936Y-5-North-BCurrie, George
 200.   Rombough, Pauline 2006H-15Rombough, Pauline
 201.   Roos, Pearl 1988L-42-North-2Joliffe, Fred
 202.   Rowan, Edmund 1922M-26Rowan, Thomas
 203.   Rowan, Francis 1955I-4-NorthRowan, Francis
 204.   Rowan, James 1937M-26Rowan, Thomas
 205.   Rowan, Joseph 1917X-4-South-BRowan, (Family)
 206.   Rowan, Louise 1965M-26Rowan, Thomas
 207.   Rowan, Mary Alice 1923I-4-NorthRowan, Francis
 208.   Rowan, Michael 1904X-4-South-BRowan, (Family)
 209.   Rowan, Sarah 1887X-4-South-BRowan, (Family)
 210.   Rowan, Thomas 1921M-26Rowan, Thomas
 211.   Rowan Jearney, Mary 1930I-4-NorthRowan, Francis
 212.   Rowe, James 1914DD-5-AVANTRowe, James
 213.   Rudenko, Eugene 1962E-31Rudenko, Eugene
 214.   Ryan, James 1925Z-10-AVANT-SRyan, James
 215.   Ryan, Mary Jane 1925Z-10-AVANT-SRyan, James
 216.   Sarazin, Joseph 1920V-6-BackSarazin, Margaret
 217.   Senior, Marguerite 1982E-42-NorthFrench, George
 218.   Smith, Michael 1884R-27-NorthSmith, Michael
 219.   Smith, Thomas J. 1914V-7-BackSmith, Thomas J.
 220.   Smith Mongeon, Evelyn 1988G-45-South-1Mongeon, Wayne
 221.   Smith Powers, Margaret 1991S-4Powers, Thomas
 222.   Spooner, Bridget 1891Y-5-North-BCurrie, George
 223.   Spooner, William C. 1929Y-North-FSpooner, William C.
 224.   Spooner, William L. 1916Y-South-BSpooner, William L.
 225.   Stevenson, Dorothy 1989E-45-SouthFrederick, Maurice
 226.   Storey, Joseph ?X-13-South-FStorey, Joseph
 227.   Strukelji, Frank 1995H-38-South-1Strukelji, Joseph
 228.   Strukelji, Joseph 2001H-38-South-1Strukelji, Joseph
 229.   Strukelji, Milka 1981J-39-South-1Biezanski, Tomasz
 230.   Swain, Catherine 1912DD-5-AVANTRowe, James
 231.   Verner Dowd, Victoria 1941H-13-SouthDowd, Frederick
 232.   Wallace, Ella 1950I-22Wallace, I.W.
 233.   Wallace, Fred 1968I-22Wallace, I.W.
 234.   Wallace, Harry 1953I-22Wallace, I.W.
 235.   Walsh, Keith 1992J-39-North-1Walsh, S.
 236.   Walsh, Stewart 1990J-39-North-1Walsh, S.
 237.   Wood Adelaide, Mary 1941E-14-NorthWood Adelaide, Mary

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